Review: JetBlue A320 Core Economy


Photo of: JetBlue Airways Airbus A320 Worcester

Ground Experience

Booking is accomplished online or through the JetBlue app. Introductory fares for the Worcester to Orlando Flights are priced around $50. Worcester Airport is a smaller sized airport with Delta Air Lines and American Airlines providing weekly departures to New York LGA and JFK in addition to JetBlue’s Florida flights. In the check in area were balloons to celebrate the new routes. Being a small airport, security only takes a matter of minutes.

Photo of: Worcester Regional Airport
Worcester Regional Airport Ticketing Lobby
Photo of: JetBlue Worcester Regional Airport
Celebratory JetBlue Balloons Worcester Regional Airport

After passing security, an announcement was made that the flight would be delayed due to Air Traffic Control and weather delays in Florida. Worcester Airport lacks amenities however, a single mini mart and bar area is located mid terminal. To pass the time, the crew and airport held a ribbon cutting ceremony with the help of the crew and a few young passengers.

Inflight Experience

Reaching cruising altitude, the crew began the inflight service consisting of buy on board items followed by snack boxes and complimentary items. Buy on board items include headsets, pillows and blankets. Complimentary items on this flight include Pepsi Products, Dunkin Coffee and Bubbly seltzer. Snacks consist of pretzels, cheeseits, granola bars or plantain chips.

Photo of: Inflight Menu JetBlue Airways
Inflight Menu JetBlue Airways A320
Photo of: Party Up Snack box JetBlue Airways A320
Party Up Snack box JetBlue Airways A320

JetBlue’s signature differentiator is the free inflight entertainment. It includes live TV, games, and movies. There is a section dedicated for flights under two hours and for over two hours. This makes it possible to fully watch a show or movie without worrying about running out of time. Fly-FI is available free of charge for all passengers. The system remained fully operatorial for the duration of the flight and was able to support email and basic web browsing.

Photo of: JetBlue A320 Inflight Entertainment
Inflight Entertainment JetBlue Airways A320
Photo of: Selections Inflight Entertainment JetBlue Airways A320
Selections Inflight Entertainment JetBlue Airways A320

Final Approach

JetBlue’s refreshed A320 Core product holds a strong value. It has all the creature comforts on a flight including power outlets, Wi-Fi and inflight entertainment to name a few. While the seats feature generous legroom, the seats themselves feel stiff with a lack of rear padding. Complimentary snack selections are still plentiful, yet they are lacking compared to the previous selections which included more options and larger portions. For $9 per box, snack boxes felt lacking in portion size and value compared to other similarly marketed snack boxes on other domestic airlines. Crewmembers on any flight can make it or break it for an inflight experience. Crew on this flight performed their required functions but did nothing more.