Rail manufacturer Stadler has entered into the Guinness World Records database after their FLIRT H2 hydrogen train set broke the world record of operating the longest distance hydrogen fuel cell electric multiple unit passenger train without refueling or recharging. The train achieved a whopping 1,741.7 miles without needing to refuel.
A Test Of Endurance
The record setting trip began on March 20, 2024 at the Federal Railroad Administration ENSCO test track in Pueblo Colorado. A teem of engineers from Stadler worked in shifts operating the train throughout the night and next morning. At 5:23PM the next day, the FLIRT H2 hydrogen trainset completed 1,741.7 miles over a 46 hour period on a single tank. Martin Ritter, CEO Stadler US Inc. said: “Stadler is consistently focusing on the future of rail transportation with alternative drive systems by continuously developing innovative technologies. By using hydrogen as a clean energy source, we are actively contributing to environmental protection and shaping the sustainable and zero emission travel of tomorrow.” Rail operators are already lining up to purchase Stadler’s hydrogen trains including the State of California and Ferrovie della Calabria (FdC) of Italy. In a few years, these forward thinking trains will be rolling into a station near you.