MARTA Subway Cars Gain New Life As An Artificial Reef

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Photo of: MARTA Rail Car Artificial Reef // GA DNR

Atlanta transit agency MARTA in partnership with Georgia state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is giving two retired subway cars a new life. After carrying millions of passengers the two railcars will become an artificial reef following their retirement. The railcars were placed into the water on December 21, 2023 approximately 20 nautical miles east of Ossabaw Island.

A Sustainable Rail Car Retirement

In July 2022, the MARTA board of directors voted to donate the recently retired railcars to the Georgia DNR. Prior to transfer to the DNR, MARTA stripped the railcars of any hazardous materials and potential contaminants. The U.S. Coast Guard than provided final approval. “This project has been a long time in the works, and we are so glad to have these MARTA cars offshore now to provide essential fish habitat, diving opportunities, and another great offshore fishing location,” said Cameron Brinton, marine biologist DNR Coastal Resources Division.

A Growing Trend In Artificial Reefs