Luxury Sleeper Train Will Connect San Francisco And Los Angeles

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Photo of: Dreamstar Locomotive Rendering // Dreamstar Lines

Sleeper trains are not an uncommon site throughout Europe and Asia. Meanwhile, in the United States, sleeper trains are limited to select routes aboard Amtrak. One company looks to take a different take on sleeper trains, offering a luxury sleeper train connecting San Francisco and Los Angles. Dreamstar aims at changing the way people travel between San Francisco and Los Angles. While the idea may sound bullish, the railroad might be onto something.

What Is Dreamstar

While still uncharted waters, privately operated rail lines are starting to emerge in the U.S. with Brightline and the upcoming Brightline West showing that “it can be done.” Dreamstar plans on doing things a bit different from Brightline. Most notably, the service will operate overnight allowing for passengers to arrive refreshed the next morning. Interestingly, the train will have the capability of carrying vehicles onboard, replicating the popular Amtrak Auto train service. Passengers will be able to select between a full on suite in a dedicated first class car or standard bedroom in the “standard car.” There will also be a lounge car where passengers can grab light bights and alcoholic beverages. As of the time of this publication no specific pricing has been announced.

Photo of: Dreamstar Proposed Route // Dreamstar Lines
Dreamstar Proposed Route // Dreamstar Lines

Current Developments

In July 2024, Dreamstar completed a significant development milestone, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Union Pacific Railroad to operate their trains on Union Pacific’s right of way. “Our collaboration with Union Pacific Railroad is a significant milestone for Dreamstar Lines and for the future of private rail travel in the United States,” said Joshua Dominic, CEO of Dreamstar Lines, Inc. “By launching this service, we are not only offering a luxurious and eco-friendly travel option but also revitalizing the rich heritage of overnight rail travel in America.” In November 2024 Dreamstar announced that Designworks, BMW’s design and innovation studio will provide interior and exterior designs for the upcoming trainsets.

Photo of: Dreamstar Locomotive Exterior Rendering // Dreamstar Lines
Dreamstar Locomotive Exterior Rendering // Dreamstar Lines

Speaking of trainsets, Dreamstar will refurbish rail cars that will be pulled by either a hydrogen or hybrid electric locomotive. “At Designworks, we’re passionate about reimagining travel experiences to prioritize human comfort, connectivity, and wellbeing,” said Julia de Bono, CEO of Designworks, a BMW Group Company. “Our initial concept designs for Dreamstar allowed us to imagine what connectivity between two vibrant cities—Los Angeles and San Francisco—could truly feel like, creating a vision of something far more than just practical, but a delightful experience in its own right.” Dreamstar aims at entering into service around the end of 2025 pending, operating agreements and rolling stock procurement. Time will tell if the railroad gets the traction it needs to become a disrupter in overnight train travel.