Final Boeing 747 Departs The Factory


It is a bittersweet day in aviation history as a legendary aircraft departs the factory for the very last time. The final Boeing 747-8 Freighter has been delivered to Atlas Air who will take delivery February 1st. We had the privilege to be in attendance at the Boeing Factory in Everett Washington to give the queen of the skies a proper sendoff.

The Final Boeing 747 Outside The Everett Factory
Past And Present Boeing Employees Recognized For Their Contributions

An aircraft with a distinguished history

According to Boeing the factory produced 1,574 747s over the span of the program. The aircraft saw different variants including the 100, 200, 300, SP, 400 and – 8. Over a 55 year span the jumbo jet saw over 100 customers and has logged more than 118 million flight hours. The 747 has filled various special roles including carrying the space shuttle and providing an airborne laboratory for NASA. Fulfilling the role of Air Force One, the 747 has safely transported 6 acting presidents and counting.

Each Flag Representing The Many 747 Operators

A Historic Celebration

In addition to the many Boeing employees present, there were a handful of airline leadership in attendance at the celebration event. Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr gave his remarks about Lufthansa’s longstanding history with the 747. Japan Airlines and UPS also spoke about their historical experiences with the 747. John Travolta made an appearance shortly thereafter sharing his memories of the 747. The biggest star of the show however, was the final aircraft making an appearance behind the hanger doors at the conclusion of the celebration.

The Final 747 Will Be Delivered To Atlas Air

Final Flight From The Factory

The last 747, N863GT will depart the Boeing Everett factory and then fly a special flight path to dedicate the legacy of the 747. The aircraft will depart February 1st to Cincinnati to begin its career with Atlas Air. A huge thank you to the team at Boeing for inviting us to the celebration and final departure of the Boeing 747.

Final 747 Flight Path. [Image Courtesy Of Atlas Air]