Airbus wrapped up VERTICON 2025 with an impressive 63 firm orders and 118 commitments for their multi roll helicopters. In particular the H140 multi mission helicopter was the star of the show following its grand unveiling at the conference. The helicopter will serve missions ranging from corporate transport to lifesaving aeromedical evacuation and everything in-between. As such U.S. and European medevac and law enforcement agencies are lining up for the multi roll helicopters.
Growing Orders For Multi Mission Helicopters
Multi use helicopters are becoming a growing trend for manufacturers and operators. For the operator, having a flexible platform that can be easily changed helps them adapt to their complex mission needs. With the new H140 there were 74 commencements from U.S. and European operators. Initially, emergency medical service operators will be the first customers base to receive the H140. At the show, letters of intent included operators such as Global Medical Response, ADAC Luftrettung, ÖAMTC Flugrettung, Air Methods, Stat Medevac, Metro Aviation, and DRF Luftrettung . “The H140 was designed by customers for customers. Signing with some of the world’s most prominent EMS operators shows that the H140 has hit the mark,” said Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters. Additionally, Airbus received orders from the New York State Police for three one H160 and Three H46 helicopters becoming the first police agency in the United States to operate the H160.
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