New Amtrak Acela Trains Given Green Light For Testing

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Photo of: Amtrak Avelia Liberty Trainset Amtrak has full image rights. // Amtrak

Federal officials from the Federal Railway Administration [FRA] have given Amtrak the go ahead to begin testing of Amtrak’s Acela predecessor, the Avelia Liberty. Initially reported by the New York Times, the trains have resumed testing on the Northeast Corridor [NEC] tracks between Washington D.C. and Boston. The tests come in wake of various technical issues found during the initial testing phase. No official date for revenue service has been announced as of yet.

A Rocky Start To The New Trains

Photo of: Amtrak Avelia Liberty First Class // Amtrak
Shot at Union Station on 3.30.2022. // Amtrak Media

One Step Closer To Entering Into Service

Despite the setbacks, the resumption of testing will bring the new trains one step further to entering service. With the new trains, passengers will enjoy faster Wi-Fi, increased accessibility. In a statement to the New York times, Amtrak had this to say on the resumption of testing, “The testing on the tracks will be the next step in the safety certification process that leads toward launching revenue service.”

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